346. Tallgrass Brewing – Halcyon Unfiltered Wheat

Tallgrass Brewing - Halcyon Unfiltered WheatIt’s been a busy weekend of baseball and soccer games, and today the temperature is in the upper 90’s (although the heat index is over 100). After working outside on the garage for a little bit, I came inside and needed a cold, easy drinking beer.  Joe had given me this beer, recommending it for a hot summer day, and I figured it would offer something light and drinkable.

Location: Enjoyed the canned beer at my home in Bloomington, IL.

Numbers: 5% ABV, 20 IBUs, ~ 150  Calories

Appearance & Aroma: It is golden-orange in color and fairly hazy with some chunks of yeast sediment floating about. There was a lot of carbonation with a big, bright white, creamy head which stuck around for a while. It had a yeasty, slightly bready aroma with hints of citrus.

Taste & Feel: The body was light and it had a smooth, somewhat watery mouthfeel with almost no carbonation bite.  There was a good, yeasty, bready malt flavor in middle, followed by a lighter bready, airy, slightly citrusy finish.

Food Pairing: This was light enough that it would go with almost any food.  However, I think it light airiness of it would help to wash down thicker, bready, or even fried, foods.

Overall Impression: I haven’t had a craft beer in a can for a while, so I was a bit skeptical of it.  I found this to be extremely drinkable, and it went down very easily after being outside on this hot day.  The flavors were mostly yeasty, but light – adding a bit of tastiness, but leaving it very drinkable.  The finish was slightly citrusy, almost effervescent, making it a great summer beer.

My Rating: ★★★½☆

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